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NZ Business Insurance | Commercial Insurance in New Zealand

Business insurance quoting facilities are still under development on this NZ website. Please see below for Business insurance and Commercial insurance options.

Insurance Articles

The Weird and Wonderful World of Insurance
We came across this amusing (but true) insurance story with an interesting twist. Only in America! read more

Women are the underdogs when it comes to insurance
Research released by the Investment and Financial Services Association in late September highlighted the fact that Australian women with dependent children had significantly less life insurance... read more

Ambulance Cover: Do You Need It?
Medicare in Australia doesn't cover ambulance services or emergency transport. These services are more often covered by private health insurance. However, private funds are not the only ambulance... read more

Business Insurance Policy and the Importance of the Business Description
Does your insurance company really know what it is your business does? This article will help you to understand the importance of the business description and how it can help to avoid any nasty... read more

7 Things to Think About When Comparing Car Insurance
The range of car insurance options in Australia is impressive for a country of our size. It's easy to become overwhelmed given the number of companies offering the best, the cheapest... read more

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