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NZ Car Insurance | Vehicle Insurance in New Zealand

Car insurance quoting facilities are still under development on this NZ website. Please see below for car insurance and vehicle insurance options.

Insurance Articles

The 5 most common Business Insurance mistakes
Looking over your insurance premiums each year, you may be wondering how you could save a dollar or two on your next premium. As an intangible asset, it can be difficult to put a value... read more

Essential Steps For Business Insurance
The need for a business insurance starts the moment one initiates the business idea and plan. That is why it very important to have the detailed idea as to what business insurance is... read more

DIY Review Checklist for your Income Protection Insurance
If you have an income protection insurance plan already - or are thinking about buying one, then you need to be aware that these policies require regular maintenance and careful scrutiny... read more

Who Needs Disability Insurance?
If you are like most people on this planet, you are not financially free. You would not be able to stop working and still support yourself and your family from your financial resources.... read more

Get to Know About Contractors Insurance
Contractors insurance is a specialized coverage for risks associated with contractor's work as a result of a contract. The purpose of purchasing this insurance policy is to protect... read more

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